June, 2015
RT @Mr_Mike_Clarketwitter.com : That awkward moment when the pattern on your clothes makes it look like a tiny man is riding you like a horse.
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RT @FTtwitter.com : Comment: Sepp Blatter is a genius because he realised westerners donβt matter any more
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Yep. If developers acted like this, we’d only ever build to-do list demos.
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Okay #lazyweb @html5doctortwitter.com why is there not an <error> tag in HTML? You know, for marking up errors. What’s the best way to markup an error?
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Actual Lol.
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Not normal of Frankie Boyle, but…
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RT @doctorowtwitter.com : Steve Albini declares copyright dead
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RT @Tatetwitter.com : What has your Father taught you? Why not say thank you with Tate membership this #FathersDay
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@am_sonitwitter.com you feeling okay? You know that cheese all comes in one giant lump, right?
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Aaaaah, mostly empty flight with @flybetwitter.com LCY-EDI, very nice. Now to take the serene tram into Edinburgh.
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Wednesday June 3, 2015 - 22:02
Awesome journey home. Not. No trains or buses from Stansted, so had to get a cab to Cambridge. Joy.
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@Limerick1914twitter.com @DoIlumtwitter.com err, so all slaves were under 7 (on average)?
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@QhaBhutitwitter.com thanks for sarcasm. Life span refers to how long someone lives, regardless of where they were born. Just trying to clarify quote.
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@Limerick1914twitter.com @DoIlumtwitter.com gotcha. Thanks.
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@QhaBhutitwitter.com survival rate? Yeah, can see your point. Did look a bit smart-arsey. Apologies.
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I hate getting old. I find myself doing the same absent-minded shit that annoyed me about adults when I was a teenager. Today? Keys. Sigh
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Read Mr Nosey to my daughter last night. It’s a lesson on dealing with government snooping online. Give the NSA a sore nose! @doctorowtwitter.com
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RT @billttwitter.com : delightful evening @theflyingpigpubtwitter.com w music from Nick Barraclough. And a pint of Nelson’s.
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@atom_banktwitter.com cool, so we should expect Google wallet support too?
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Woah - the online banking for business at @HSBCUKBusiness is amongst the worse I’ve seen. You guys should call me!
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@jonnyvoid - don’t forget to link to the source, whilst still live @DoIlumtwitter.com @Mirror_Editortwitter.com -
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Hackney fire: Looks like some troublesome tenants were standing in the way of development again. </cynicism>
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@DoIlumtwitter.com @BigB0bbyTtwitter.com didn’t we submit one from the Ridge?
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RT @stubbornellatwitter.com : Webstorm will run gulp tasks. Whoa!
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@twittertwitter.com android app now has inbuilt browser. Finally able to open links, w/out the tiresome need to use the browser supplied on my OS. Sigh
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I’ve been saying this for a while. Why aren’t people using them more?
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RT @codinghorrortwitter.com : FACT: the average person is in direct contact with at least five ghost butts at any given time httβ¦
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RT @elijahmanortwitter.com : The Art of Command Line: Master the command line, in one page + @ojoshetwitter.com
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@arrest_bankerstwitter.com @DuncanStotttwitter.com @DoIlumtwitter.com - how do figures in other age groups vary? Is 25-34 significant? Where are figures from? Much apprec’d
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RT @LukeWtwitter.com : Yes, you can do this for “Web apps”.
Google Photos is mobile-first responsive design & highly performant.
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@DuncanStotttwitter.com @arrest_bankerstwitter.com @DoIlumtwitter.com - grand, thanks!
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@DuncanStotttwitter.com @arrest_bankerstwitter.com @DoIlumtwitter.com - would proportion of landlords to renters affect likelihood of intolerance? Those figures missing.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com @DuncanStotttwitter.com @arrest_bankerstwitter.com not necessarily, if number of landlords goes up equally.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com @DuncanStotttwitter.com @arrest_bankerstwitter.com would be interested to know how this compares to places with more of a renting culture, like Paris.
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@arrest_bankerstwitter.com @DoIlumtwitter.com @DuncanStotttwitter.com you mean like rent controls, that sort of thing?
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@DoIlumtwitter.com @DuncanStotttwitter.com @arrest_bankerstwitter.com just mean it’s not just a straightforward correlation between number of renters to number of landlords
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@arrest_bankerstwitter.com @DoIlumtwitter.com @DuncanStotttwitter.com gotcha
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Wednesday June 17, 2015 - 13:17
@atom_banktwitter.com only if my bank didn’t store a copy of my DNA, but a hash of the code that my DNA generated…
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Thursday June 18, 2015 - 14:54
Wow, it’s my 6th twitterversary. Happy tweet day to me!
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RT @doctorowtwitter.com : London police’s secret “domestic extremist” list includes people who sketch protests #1yrago
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@DoIlumtwitter.com assume you don’t mean the Cornish pottery Troika? :)
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Censorship happens in ‘small’ ways as well as big, and is never good.
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Lovely warm day. So why on earth do @greaterangliatwitter.com have the heater on!? 0747 CBG-LST
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@greaterangliatwitter.com 61712
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RT @tinybabytwitter.com :
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RT @neiltysontwitter.com : If you’re good at BS’ing others, then all it means is that you rarely hang around people who are smarter than you.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com turns out someone was planning a sequel. :(
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@DoIlumtwitter.com ask Shelley on Facebook. @EnglishHeritagetwitter.com have lots of good books on esoteric bits of history around buildings.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com it’s colorized? Good grief.
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RT @CraigMcPheattwitter.com : I don’t read braille, but if this translates as the text I’d either be mighty amused or mighty pissed off.
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@mattpoveytwitter.com wow - you don’t seem to have aged! Bastard.
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@mattpoveytwitter.com Dammit, tried that, but it just seems to have made me fatter. It’s dangerous to stop now though, right?
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@mattpoveytwitter.com will increase the strength and see what happens :)
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Saturday June 20, 2015 - 10:12
RT @Brutalism101twitter.com : Champions for Robin Hood Gardens are few and far between. Glad to hear Lord Rogers is one.
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@remtwitter.com er, isn’t it ‘role’?
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RT @heritagetruststwitter.com : Antiques Roadshow at Bolsover Castle on the 9th July @BBC_ARoadshowtwitter.com @EnglishHeritagetwitter.com
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RT @emokidslovemetwitter.com : Here’s a review on a cast iron skillet. It’s the best review of a skillet I have ever seen.
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It’s a grey day @greaterangliatwitter.com , but it’s not that cold. Can you turn the heaters off? 0747 CBG-LST, car 61718. It’s roasting in here.
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RT @LukeWtwitter.com : priority 1: utility
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@greaterangliatwitter.com much cooler now, thanks.
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RT @jackschofieldtwitter.com : 9-Year-Old Girl Spends Her Free Time Building Shelters for the Homeless, at @OddityCentraltwitter.com ~ httpβ¦
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@_ericelliotttwitter.com yep, works nicely on my nexus 6
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@DoIlumtwitter.com @mattpoveytwitter.com step 1, ask politely if they have a house style guide like that you can reference.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com @mattpoveytwitter.com you mean TBH right? All acronym’s are to be capitalised. ;)
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@DoIlumtwitter.com @mattpoveytwitter.com you should buy that person one of these t-shirts
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@DoIlumtwitter.com and perhaps this one for you…
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Wednesday June 24, 2015 - 13:22
Never seen them in the same room, have you?
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Thursday June 25, 2015 - 22:34
So @greaterangliatwitter.com , how much will we need to pay to park our bikes at ELY from July? :( @ElyCycletwitter.com
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RT @PunKandStufftwitter.com : “Home taping is killing record industry profits”
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Just creeped out by three herons standing in a field staring at the train. Sure they were waiting for something. Maybe get the bus home…
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@greaterangliatwitter.com thanks ^KM :)
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RT @pipetentwitter.com : What goes “Pieces of seven. Pieces of seven.”?
A Parroty error. #oneliners #jokes #funny #joke
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