Reticulating splines...

Hello world*

It’s me, Leigh 👋

This is easily about the 7th 8th 9th 10th personal website I’ve built. I’m pretty good at starting them, but awful at maintaining them. I think the trick this time is not to commit to crazy schedules like “Posting more than once a decade”…

Let’s see how this goes. Here’s my latest contribution:

Alternatives in UK

If the UK is to become anything other than a digital vassal of the US, we have to have a nose-to-tail digital service infrastructure…

What I mean is… how many digital products, platforms and services are built on Big Tech foundations? It’s incredibly hard to find UK owned and run services. Many, many service-tier offerings (after all, we’re a nation of digital greengrocers), but it’s quite tricky to find replacements for things like Vercel, Digital Ocean or even Dropbox.

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