Welcome to this selection of carefully crafted articles and essays.

Nah, I’m kidding, it’s just a bunch of chaotic thoughts, experiments, notes and stuff, barely organised into some kind of public blog. The image above is a Commodore Vic20, 1 the first computer I ever owned.
Traverson, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia ↩︎
Failing at web components
I think I should know about Web Components™ I have no idea how this is going to work, but I have used Vue & React components in the past. I personally feel like Web Components should be the way forward, but my lazy self has not spent any serious time trying to get to grips with them
but here’s what I imagine a web component might look like. Absolute pseudo-code. I know nothing.
// some JS goes in here to make things work
<!-- some HTML goes in here -->
/* some scoped CSS go in here */
This is probably a reflection of how much time I’ve spent in Vue.js recently, but it’s conceptually what I’m imagining is required to build something as a Web Component.
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