April, 2014
Actually awesome swag from tonight’s alumni event @sapientnitro! Good to see everyone, old and new.
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“ @spolskytwitter.com :there were some improvements to @trellotwitter.com today @niceagency , includes integration!
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@ShaunDunnetwitter.com @danhappysaladtwitter.com gents, the time has come to pick a framework and stick to it (for a while) votes to me via the internets…
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Fascinating interview with Jake Davis, formerly of Anonymous speaks very eloquently about his ‘sins’ and what’s next.
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RT @kevindentetwitter.com : Subversion is moving their source code to Git. Time to declare that product done and move on.
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@FirstCC you might want to check the toilet in carriage 72244. On its way to Kings Lynn. Bad. I mean really, not good. Yuk
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@FirstCC it was the 2214 kgx to Kings Lynn.
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Wednesday April 2, 2014 - 06:56
RT @smashingmagtwitter.com : A simple form interface. That’s it. Also check Typeform:
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Wednesday April 2, 2014 - 07:28
RT @codinghorrortwitter.com : I got a Russ Walter promotional mail today! I love this guy. He even responded in comments:
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Wednesday April 2, 2014 - 07:31
Here’s a hint kids. Don’t tweet links to interesting sounding articles on sites with paywalls. I’m looking at you,
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Wednesday April 2, 2014 - 07:39
for great temp tattoos! @niceagency these would make great swag. Just sayin’. Thanks to @BoingBoingtwitter.com for the heads up.
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Wednesday April 2, 2014 - 18:16
@maggiefoktwitter.com there’s a Pichu in St Pancras station!
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Wednesday April 2, 2014 - 22:56

RT @GDSTeamtwitter.com : More #devwisdom for a Wednesday afternoon
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Thursday April 3, 2014 - 21:54
They let the banks fail, and are looking at only 2% unemployment. So that’s why mum’s gone to Iceland!
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Sometimes, getting through the @doctorowtwitter.com seam on my Twitter timeline gives me RSI.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com hmm I quite like his young adult fiction, though he seems to fluff his endings. Good tweets, but they all come in a massive flurry.
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@danhappysaladtwitter.com @Samcolestwitter.com git commit -am “added new library. Still not working”
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RT @dalmaertwitter.com : I am going to repeat this: I want this async loading in iOS and other OSs asap. #NoWhiteScreensLeftBehβ¦
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@DoIlumtwitter.com he tries to communicate new tech to new audiences, and explore societal impact as well as technological. Some better than others.
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@AOwenLDNtwitter.com @ShaunDunnetwitter.com aww, she only went and did it! #friday
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@DoIlumtwitter.com @MikeWinshiptwitter.com his version of diamonds are forever still sounds awesome. The bass at the start…
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Not sure the branding people at Cornetto have thought this one through…
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@ShaunDunnetwitter.com no sleep ’til Brooklyn my friend…
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RT @Mediumtwitter.com : βFor the Record and The Tragedy of Mozillaβ by @__davidflanagan
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RT @GreatDismaltwitter.com : Elegant-ass robots building Teslas out of huge spools of aluminum #whatyougotinsteadofyourjetpack
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@DoIlumtwitter.com @PhilosophyQutes I never understood the “this’ll hurt me more than it hurts you, boy” mentality.
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I’m in agreement with @V3nnyGtwitter.com about @facebooktwitter.com , it’s deliberately confusing to show events out of order. Perhaps it’s for more ad eyeballs?
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“@AmazonVideoUK: #AfterDRagons, waTch pirates. Watch the 1st ePisode of #BlackSails now There. Will. Be. Booty!
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@ryanghalltwitter.com @AmazonVideoUK Rrrrr!
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Wednesday April 9, 2014 - 08:21
@ShaunDunnetwitter.com nice work. Reminds me of my Acorn Archimedes days.
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Wednesday April 9, 2014 - 08:35
@ShaunDunnetwitter.com cool!, I’ll see if I can find my copy of Vic Computing magazine, and we could do some old school programming.
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Wednesday April 9, 2014 - 08:40
@ShaunDunnetwitter.com okay, time to play Elite!
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Thursday April 10, 2014 - 14:49
@DoIlumtwitter.com so when are we doing catch-up drinks?
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Thursday April 10, 2014 - 21:13
Be a self-facilitating media node. Work for me @niceagency. We’re well weapon.
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RT @wildoniontwitter.com : The houses they are building are shite. Terrible architecture, not good family homes. Houses for profit not for living in wiβ¦
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@Bickle_Gtwitter.com OMFG
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RT @IDisposabletwitter.com : Can’t stop laughing
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RT @shepazutwitter.com : βThe Web is falling! The Web is falling!β said Chicken Little.
Debunking a fable for our times:
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Saturday April 12, 2014 - 19:48
@khaitutwitter.com smug because they use a closed source SSL and no one can see their insecurities?
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@shtconnorsays @ShaunDunnetwitter.com I remember when there were only 3, and the @Channel4twitter.com launch was a huge build up. Then first show was countdown…
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@DoIlumtwitter.com we once had a bored intern that signed a load of form letters ‘sincerely, Alistair Crowley’. Not well received by the local bishop.
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@zacharyparadistwitter.com true, thankfully we’ll never know if closed-source SSL users are vulnerable or not :)
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@ryanghalltwitter.com you weren’t there, man… it was a brutal time…
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@ryanghalltwitter.com I was n-n-n-n-nineteen…
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 16:08
@zacharyparadistwitter.com good thanks :) Hope all is well with you too.
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 21:57
RT @TheDrumtwitter.com : Channel 5 denies deal has been done with BSkyB and Discovery Communications for sale of the business
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 22:00
RT @TheDrumtwitter.com : Agency credentials: What clients don’t tell agencies and agencies don’t tell clients by Matthew Charlton
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 22:11
@TheDrumtwitter.com I can’t imagine why changing from ’lovefilm’ to ‘Amazon instant prime video instant video prime’ caused anyone to jump. Great name!
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 22:14
@paulcurleytwitter.com @Virgintwitter.com if it’s hot it could be a warped hard disk. Probably should get it seen to!
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 22:16
@DoIlumtwitter.com @Reddittwitter.com you should get Shelley to show you around hers :)
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 22:23
@DoIlumtwitter.com Tilbury, i think.
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 22:25
@DoIlumtwitter.com @Reddittwitter.com
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 22:26
@DoIlumtwitter.com sure did, need to check with the social secretary ;)
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 22:28
@wildoniontwitter.com @TheDrumtwitter.com oh and STILL no stock Android app.
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 22:38
@DoIlumtwitter.com If I remember, Henry VIII was responsible for early star fort designs. Allegedly.
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Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 22:44
@DoIlumtwitter.com and invented twerking. Though not much progress on that until recently. :)
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Wednesday April 16, 2014 - 16:45

RT @EnglishHeritagetwitter.com : We’re celebrating early 20th century cinemas over on our Tumblr:
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Wednesday April 16, 2014 - 16:46
RT @nextbankorgtwitter.com : Zapp fights fraud with behavioural analytics firm Featurespace
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Wednesday April 16, 2014 - 18:06
RT @GDSTeamtwitter.com : Read’s @guardiantwitter.com ’s piece about groups bringing together #womenintech <- good news!
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RT @BBCBreakingtwitter.com : From @bishopktwitter.com in #Ukraine: This is document John Kerry just referred to, calling on Jews in Donetsk to register
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Tuesday April 22, 2014 - 07:34
RT @doctorowtwitter.com : The secret to Cards Against Humanity’s phrase-mining
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Tuesday April 22, 2014 - 07:35
RT @doctorowtwitter.com : An extremely telling Cards Against Humanity hand. Well played.
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Wednesday April 23, 2014 - 07:19

RT @dougchasetwitter.com : @trellotwitter.com – I never thought this’d happen, but we’re happily tearing down our physical Kanban board!
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Wednesday April 23, 2014 - 07:20
RT @nachttwitter.com : RT: @threatposttwitter.com : #Apple fixes SSL #security flaw in #iOS and #OSX - << moar #ssl #vulnerabilities #sigh
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Wednesday April 23, 2014 - 07:21

RT @KimaniFilmtwitter.com : Sure thing! MT @NYPDnewstwitter.com : Do you have a photo w/ a member of the NYPD? Tweet us & tag it #myNYPD
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Wednesday April 23, 2014 - 07:24
βHacking Sonos: How I replaced the Sonos app and created a better music experience” @niceagency
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Wednesday April 23, 2014 - 07:37
Interesting to find out quite how ‘open’ Android is i.e. open as long as you’re not a handset vendor…
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Just had a great dev lunch @meatmission c/o @niceagency - shame about my chilli accident… @ShaunDunnetwitter.com , @danhappysaladtwitter.com , @Samcolestwitter.com et al :)
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RT @SusanneSolimantwitter.com : ifttt available on android at last :-) #ifttt
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Amazing! @FirstCC 722 ELY-KGX now has fewer seats that are suitable for people that need/want to work on the train. Carriage 72272. Thx
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RT @jbrewertwitter.com : Skinny fonts. Everywhere. I know you think it looks so modern, but youβre actually making it harder to for people to read. #tyβ¦
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@FirstCC I’m not sure. If this is refreshed, I’d be pretty disappointed. Carpets are gone along with 2 sets of groups of 4 seats.
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Can’t wait! “ @techendotwitter.com : This team is integrating @oculustwitter.com + @LeapMotiontwitter.com for an immersive gaming experience. #hackendo
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If only @FirstCC ’s actual service was as responsive to customer concerns as their Twitter service. I wonder what @greaterangliatwitter.com ’s is like?
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@Peter_Bennettwitter.com @Francopicco1twitter.com @rtfirstcctwitter.com @FirstCC @greaterangliatwitter.com sadly, that document is impenetrable to me… Where should I be looking?
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@jamiedixontwitter.com jealous!
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RT @TheDrumtwitter.com : Max Clifford found guilty of eight counts of indecent assault
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Tuesday April 29, 2014 - 08:31
RT @iamdevlopertwitter.com : May lightening strike down the person who commits in code containing <<<<<<< HEAD markers.
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Wednesday April 30, 2014 - 18:52
12 Skills you need to build a damn good web app. via @stephen_yotwitter.com
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Wednesday April 30, 2014 - 18:53
@usabillatwitter.com @V3nnyGtwitter.com yeah, and a good chance that a carousel is a terrible experience on mobile ;)
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