July, 2016
Seriously @GNRailUKtwitter.com we don’t really need the heating on do we? Car 72266 0722 ELY-KGX. It’s roasting in here!
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Sideways move for Crabb…
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RT @SaraSoueidantwitter.com : βMonkberry is blazingly fast, small 1kb and simple #JavaScript library for building web user interfaces.β
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@DoIlumtwitter.com plus the only way many small firms can get work is by bidding by price before quality, safety etc. Inevitably high fail rate…
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Wednesday July 6, 2016 - 07:24
@DoIlumtwitter.com so one answer is to make developers have other metrics other than price, so small firms aren’t on a constant knife edge.
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Wednesday July 6, 2016 - 15:20
RT @willshometwitter.com : Is there one party leader guaranteed not to take Rupert Murdoch’s calls or go to his parties? Think hard.
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Wednesday July 6, 2016 - 15:21

RT @BBCBreakingtwitter.com : An emotional Tony Blair defends his decision to go to war in Iraq. #Chilcot
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Wednesday July 6, 2016 - 15:21
RT @GeorgeMonbiottwitter.com : No Mr Blair, those weren’t “mistakes” and “failures”. The proper term is crimes.
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Wednesday July 6, 2016 - 16:18
@gove2016twitter.com yes, we’ve seen the way you renegotiate, you know, like with @BorisJohnsontwitter.com . Not exactly friendly, was it?
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RT @markjfinetwitter.com : What the actual fuck???
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RT @Gian_TCatttwitter.com : Before invading Iraq, Blair’s gov’t held talks with Shell & #BP to ensure Co’s “well-placed to pick up contracts”
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@MintoNeiltwitter.com @barneyfarmertwitter.com @HealeyCartoonstwitter.com surely it’s Arthur?, after the greatest Englishman ever…
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RT @LeapMotiontwitter.com : Built in #Unity3D, our modules make it easier for users to reach out & interact w/UIs in #VR https:β¦
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Is it wrong to get a bit starry-eyed when someone you think of as a celeb follows you on Twitter? Waaaaaaaah!
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@charliejane just finished #allTheBirdsInTheSky loved it. If I’m Laurence, I met my Patricia. Didn’t destroy world, but you know… close.
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RT @doctorowtwitter.com : If you don’t have a racist Facebook uncle, you’re probably someone else’s racist Facebook uncle
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@ShaunDunnetwitter.com @danhappysaladtwitter.com :)
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@barneyfarmertwitter.com raising Thatcher from her grave; quick natter with Piers Morgan; Peas; Milk; Instant gravy.
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Right on my doorstep. The Leave campaign has legitimised racism. @HuwJonesLabour
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So this is how sisterhood works in the Tory party… Nice work @andrealeadsomtwitter.com you’re obviously a caring person.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com vegan pig nose
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@mattpoveytwitter.com @monkchipstwitter.com @monadictwitter.com perhaps if there’s anyone that has less than zero political currency, it’s the post-coalition lib dems.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com haha, tell me any political movement that likes democracy when it doesn’t go their way.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com depends on the person. Mine was all about the expectation against ability to deliver something I wanted to do well. 1/2
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@DoIlumtwitter.com if I’d only cared about the money, I’d have just been like ‘sure, whatever’.
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RT @iamdevlopertwitter.com : Be careful whilst playing Pokemon Go that you donβt accidentally walk onto a legacy Angularjs project
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RT @conor_mcnallytwitter.com : Meanwhile over at Angela Eagle’s #LabourLeadership launch…
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@DoIlumtwitter.com thank god a ’newspaper’ photographer was there to capture this vulnerable moment. >(
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RT @ros_vaughantwitter.com : Excited that I’ll be joining @Tescotwitter.com digital transformation team. I’m looking forward to the new challenge and meeting theβ¦
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The Tories are not #ConservativeBecause they are failing to conserve anything. Health, heritage, and industry all going to highest bidder.
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@BenPBradshawtwitter.com people keep saying ‘isn’t it important that Labour just gets elected?’ Not if they’re not people we can trust, no.
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RT @studiozerocotwitter.com : Keep an eye out for @ShaunDunnetwitter.com & @toychickentwitter.com at #fullstackcon!
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 08:58

Proof that it’s quite hard to take a selfie whilst using VR. #fullstackcon
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 12:07
RT @tpirostwitter.com : Iβm looking for MongoDB experts who are UK based. pls RT - maybe some of you know someone? @remtwitter.com @olizillatwitter.com @toddmottotwitter.com Thank you!
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 14:18
RT @remtwitter.com : So, please spread the wordβtickets available for the 8th annual amazing #ffconf Awesome workshops. Awesomβ¦
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 14:33
RT @skillsmattertwitter.com : Check out @studiozerocotwitter.com ’s #FullStackCon booth & their cardboard VR headsets! Maybe get a 360 selfie while there?
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 20:21
If ever there was a reason for Labour to pull together… Jesus Christ we’re all fucked. Fucked I tell you.
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 20:22
@zannawharfetwitter.com it’s worse than you could possibly have imagined…
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 20:24
In case there was any doubt, May is going full Brexit: with a vengeance. She’ll probably make Farage minister for women and kids.
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 20:25
@Pestontwitter.com brainy? Sounds suspiciously like he might be an expert. No experts please, we’re British…
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 20:29
The best we can hope for is that Fox, Johnson and Davis do very badly very quickly and are replaced by less awful humans. Or actual humans.
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 22:10
@hovlevtwitter.com honestly, I’m torn. I’m kinda tired of idea that leaders must be smarmy pricks that will entertain Murdoch. Time for something else?
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Wednesday July 13, 2016 - 22:17
@zannawharfetwitter.com I’m expecting the role of chancellor to be taken by Gove. Yeah, that’s what we’d all least expect. Keep us on our toes…
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Thursday July 14, 2016 - 11:23
RT @davidecarrolltwitter.com : and we cut to live footage of hospitals everywhere as they react to Jeremy Hunt’s sacking
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Thursday July 14, 2016 - 11:24
RT @sparrktwitter.com : Letβs all wish Michael Gove good luck in his new role of Minister for Asking if You Want Fries With That.
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Thursday July 14, 2016 - 16:54
RT @jeremydronfieldtwitter.com : Louise Mensch embodies all that is vile about the Tory Party. The target of her bile took it like a gentleman. https:/β¦
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Thursday July 14, 2016 - 17:08
@billttwitter.com I hope you took the chance to visit the best cafe in London?
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When Londoners moan about the EU ref, and how they didn’t vote leave, I think, ‘yeah but you did vote for BoJo as mayor’. How’s that going?
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Woah! @Cloud9IDEtwitter.com got bought by Amazon. If that means working on an AWS instance is made easier, then congratulations!
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@mattpoveytwitter.com @FTtwitter.com can’t imagine anyone would stand in their way. Not like ARM are one of the few UK global tech stars… Fallout from Brexit?
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@chrisgiddings86twitter.com get a pension. Oh, and get a pension. ;)
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@mattpoveytwitter.com trouble is, ARMs main export is IP. Easily transported to another country. Could be damaging to long-term future.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com this is a common trope. We were saying the same about Gen X in late 90’s - e.g. and
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@DoIlumtwitter.com pretty sure similar stuff was being said in the UK around the same time… but yeah, true.
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@zacharyparadistwitter.com it doesn’t seem to be getting any better over there :/
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RT @nationaltrusttwitter.com : On the hunt for a PokΓ©stop? Here are five top tips for searching for #PokΓ©mon at our places.
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Want to say something snarky about @angelaeagletwitter.com , but only ever got the impression that she didn’t want to be in the race… So you know, meh
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Fully automated luxury? Time for the people to invest in robots?
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Wednesday July 20, 2016 - 06:14
Picture editor is having a field day…
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Wednesday July 20, 2016 - 11:07
@HarrietLane_twitter.com @marksandspencertwitter.com oh god, it’s like something from @Scarfolktwitter.com -
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Wednesday July 20, 2016 - 13:12
I know, another petition… we can hope. “Enhance democracy by ending corporate domination of the media”
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Wednesday July 20, 2016 - 13:19
@Karmaramatwitter.com ouch, bad timing considering massive plusnet outage this morning! :)
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Wednesday July 20, 2016 - 14:51
@DoIlumtwitter.com you could try one-cup kettles. - save on the leccy.
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Wednesday July 20, 2016 - 15:29
@DoIlumtwitter.com glad to be of service :)
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Thursday July 21, 2016 - 10:20
@ClarkeMicahtwitter.com @wcxxiitwitter.com you’re completely right, when are you going to push for criminalisation of alcohol and tobacco? </sarcasm>
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Thursday July 21, 2016 - 11:11
@ClarkeMicahtwitter.com @wcxxiitwitter.com no, but you can appreciate there’s an apparent double standard here? Alcohol = acceptable / other drugs = evil?
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RT @cthulhu4americatwitter.com : Stop running in circles. Plunge into the abyss. #NeverHillary #NeverTrump #TrumpYourself
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@DoIlumtwitter.com surely not much of a surprise? Lots of lefties went green when Labour went right. Now there’s chance of leftward swing, they’re back
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Oooh, a new Alastair Reynolds. It’s been a while…
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@DoIlumtwitter.com try Wilko’s. Great lighting selection ;)
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@DoIlumtwitter.com wrong.
Lakeside should be where metro centre is.
Oh, and nod for the Bull ring.
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@DoIlumtwitter.com on second thoughts…
Bluewater (obvs)
Trafford centre
Handforth Dean
Honorable mention for Bullring
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@DoIlumtwitter.com okay, will try again…
Merrion centre
Schofields centre
Bond street centre
The dark arches
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@doctorowtwitter.com you can hire one
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RT @BBCBreakingtwitter.com : Solar Impulse becomes first solar-powered aircraft to circle the globe after landing in Abu Dhabi.
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Looking more likely that the US is to regain it’s ‘stupidest nation’ title, after the shock defeat by UK in EU ref. #DontVoteForTrump Please
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@DoIlumtwitter.com (quietly) I quite like his podcast…
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@DoIlumtwitter.com this morning I saw Dom Joly climbing out the top of a public toilet in a squirrel costume…
Ahhh, the 90s.
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@charliejane #onTheSetOfSuicideSquad Jared Leto became a UK citizen purely so he could vote Brexit…
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@charliejane #OntheSetofSuicideSquad … This…
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