
July, 2015

Wednesday July 1, 2015 - 08:05

Grrr… Ticket inspector arguing with passenger is really harshing my buzz…

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Wednesday July 1, 2015 - 08:34

RT : War chest used on spot deals? Spotify Hater Thom Yorke Is Streaming His Albums On #AppleMusic #streamingmusic

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Wednesday July 1, 2015 - 08:39

In reply to: good news! Could you share some support for this? make Lego more awesome!

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Wednesday July 1, 2015 - 18:05

At least one train a day from L’pool st. must be sacrificed to the cancellation gods. Today is a good day. My train is not cancelled. Yet.

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Wednesday July 1, 2015 - 18:07

In reply to: well, it would’ve been cancelled anyway when the first passengers started dropping from dehydration.

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Wednesday July 1, 2015 - 18:25

RT : Watch Two Twitter-Mining Chatbots Have a Conversation With Each Other this is basically …

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Wednesday July 1, 2015 - 19:36

mind blown.

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Thursday July 2, 2015 - 08:56

Despite the 0747 CBG-LST not stopping at half the stations it normally would, it’s still late. sigh

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Friday July 3, 2015 - 07:26

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Friday July 3, 2015 - 07:35

In reply to:

@bbTellsAll congrats!

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Friday July 3, 2015 - 07:38

In reply to: or clicking a link in Facebook app, as it doesn’t open in the browser, but in the app’s webview.

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Friday July 3, 2015 - 07:39

In reply to: or it goes via 3 urn shorteners that take ages to redirect via 3g

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Friday July 3, 2015 - 07:48

In reply to: and iframes, and fixed headers, and tiny ‘close’ buttons that are impossible to hit… Oh God, there’s so much. Feels cathartic.

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Monday July 6, 2015 - 07:27

All those decrying the #OXI vote as the breakdown of democracy are missing the point in so many ways…

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Monday July 6, 2015 - 07:30

RT : One Greek point of view tonight: “let’s turn the defeat of the capital to a victory of the working class”

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Monday July 6, 2015 - 07:33 instead of banning or limiting bikes on trains, why not provide a dedicated carriage / trailer?

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Monday July 6, 2015 - 07:34

RT : When I hear newsreaders say “Greece’s creditors”, my mind turns it into “Greece’s predators “.

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Monday July 6, 2015 - 07:36

RT : While waiting on result - here are some folks who DID get a bailout: from us.




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Monday July 6, 2015 - 07:37

RT : This is the Greek Finance Minister in 1953, just cancelling half of Germany’s debt. I’ll leave this here

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Monday July 6, 2015 - 07:49

In reply to: going to start up a bitcoin exchange?

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Tuesday July 7, 2015 - 18:45 any chance you could fire up the air-con on the 1807 LST-CBG train, car 61720. It’s roasting, and train is v busy today.

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 07:25

RT : Phil Lord & Chris Miller to direct Kasdan penned Han Solo movie…

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 07:33

RT : Conical gradients, today! (Technically, a couple weeks ago but today, too.) from

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 07:48

In reply to:

@AmazonVideoUK thanks for the spoiler. You guys really don’t get how on demand video works, do you?

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 07:54

RT : Yay, all unit tests passing!

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 07:57 this

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 08:02

RT : Do you have a cool idea for using HoloLens? Submit your research proposal to win HoloLens units and $100K.

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 08:05

In reply to: you could argue that CSS has triumphed, because it doesn’t penalise humans for making ‘bad’ code.

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 08:20

Pretty sure only wants presidency so he can use his power to build golf courses… Watch out Scotland!

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 08:51 apparently that’s something in Romanian!

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 08:52

In reply to: River Phoenix…

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 21:52

#lazyweb Anyone know of a meeting space that me and 3 others could use for an evening. Central / East London; w/c 20/July - wifi v. helpful

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Wednesday July 8, 2015 - 22:53

Lego: Please positively represent disability in your toys and help generations of kids grow up with… #AFOL

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Friday July 10, 2015 - 07:29

RT : “You likely have to get management approval for a $500 expense … but you can call a 1 hour meeting with 20 people and no …

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Friday July 10, 2015 - 07:30

RT : We have $2,600 to go to reach our goal. It’s been 11 hours. Thank you so much.

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Sunday July 12, 2015 - 14:21

RT : I’ve never covered a crisis like the #GreeceCrisis where no deadline is real, while the destruction of an economy grinds on rem…

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Monday July 13, 2015 - 07:48

In reply to: not sure Grexit means the same as independence. Quite possibly the opposite. More like debt servitude.

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Monday July 13, 2015 - 07:50

RT : 3 killer lines in eurogroup rescue offer. 1) Greece needs additional finance of €82-86bn - boost debt to well over 200% GDP. Bo…

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Monday July 13, 2015 - 07:50

RT : 2) Greek banks need additional capital of up to €25bn to absorb losses from implosion of econ - caused by forced bank closures!

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Monday July 13, 2015 - 07:50

RT : 3) if deal not reached, Greece should be offered “swift negotiations on time out of euro, with possible debt restructuring” #Gr…

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Monday July 13, 2015 - 08:13

In reply to: exactly. Will Grexit free them from that? EU is holding them to ransom. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. #ThisIsACoup

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Monday July 13, 2015 - 08:53 wait. I had the same dream. What does it mean?!

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Monday July 13, 2015 - 10:19 connected to Greece and China? We’re latter-day Nostradamuses… Nostradami?

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Monday July 13, 2015 - 10:21

Dammit, I want to hear it now

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Tuesday July 14, 2015 - 16:56

RT : Designer: β€œI want you to implement custom select elements”,

Developer: β€œNo.”

Rinse & repeat.

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Friday July 17, 2015 - 07:49

In reply to: we have volunteer firefighters in my mum’s village…

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Friday July 17, 2015 - 12:13

In reply to: you should mention it to . Personally, I think I’ll need it as a hand warmer in the winter ;)

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Friday July 17, 2015 - 12:55

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that the Smiths are so revered and the Housemartins are rarely mentioned. #ftw!

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Friday July 17, 2015 - 12:56

In reply to:

I mean just listen to this stuff. It’s brilliant!

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Friday July 17, 2015 - 17:07

RT : The Sandy Beach Architecture of Calvin Seibert

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Friday July 17, 2015 - 20:25


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Friday July 17, 2015 - 21:24

Hey, can you add some kind of unique id to the bearshot.jpg so I can store multiple of them in my Dropbox from the android share? X

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Monday July 20, 2015 - 18:13

RT : Katana

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Monday July 20, 2015 - 18:16

I see in the ‘Sons of Anakin’ vest…

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Monday July 20, 2015 - 18:56

Man on train just ate two scotch eggs. May have to mug him. #fastDay

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Monday July 20, 2015 - 19:10

Turns out this isn’t about my life…

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Monday July 20, 2015 - 19:24

Oooh, I hope they didn’t go to cash4gold…

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Thursday July 23, 2015 - 08:37

In reply to: welcome to the club!

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Thursday July 23, 2015 - 23:01

In reply to:

@AmazonVideoUK, why not show a clip of the second season in my Twitter feed. Not like I’m still watching season 1… Oh wait… #NoSpoilers!

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Friday July 24, 2015 - 08:13 no-one is making interest on savings right now. Oh yeah, because the only investment making money is houses… Doh!

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Monday July 27, 2015 - 18:13

Better watch out

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Monday July 27, 2015 - 23:11

RT : It’s official

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Tuesday July 28, 2015 - 08:24


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Tuesday July 28, 2015 - 08:27 this is Tories tactic. NHS, BBC whatever. Tell the people how badly it’s run, even by themselves, so they can justify privatisation

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Tuesday July 28, 2015 - 08:48 that’s the problem. People are so disillusioned by politicians, they just find it hard to care until it’s too late.

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Tuesday July 28, 2015 - 17:38

In reply to: dude, sorry to hear. No words.

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Wednesday July 29, 2015 - 08:30

PSA for designers. Yes, people ARE still using Windows. That is all.

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Wednesday July 29, 2015 - 09:31 any idea what the alternative arrangements are for getting the broken 0747 CBG-LST passengers to their destinations are?

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Wednesday July 29, 2015 - 09:35

In reply to: hmm, not very helpful. Just says we can use our tickets on other routes. Is Broxborne on any other routes?

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Wednesday July 29, 2015 - 09:38

In reply to: I’ll ask again. Is Broxborne on any other routes that will get me to LST?

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Thursday July 30, 2015 - 06:24

Out of interest what are the word rules for #alphabears ?

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