June, 2017
RT @jmarshworkstwitter.com : The past was a tyranny of rectangles, the future is 3D: “Face the Future” by Tony Parisi @auradelu…
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RT @lcarvalhosetwitter.com : Visualise Tips – 5 Reasons to use VR in Training
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@4m3thy5ttwitter.com @BigB0bbyTtwitter.com Didn’t Pi’s sister work in it for a while? I seem to remember going in there to buy ahem incense and stuff…
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RT @HuwJonesLabourtwitter.com : 20000 fewer police, fewer armed police. May has left the door open to domestic terrorists. Labour will fund the police…
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RT @Yuckbandtwitter.com : Whoever did this, I salute you
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@UBStwitter.com Are you fucking kidding me… First line of the report says “are billionaires feeling the pressure?”. No. They are not
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Wednesday June 7, 2017 - 07:04
@4m3thy5ttwitter.com Our local guaranteed Tory safe seat is a young woman… Well her human form is female…
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Wednesday June 7, 2017 - 08:48
Dystopian tweet novella. Theresa May forces break in strong crypto to fight Russian influence. Wins election. Putin enters via the backdoor.
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Wednesday June 7, 2017 - 13:48
@4m3thy5ttwitter.com Yeah, I’ve done it already… But beginning to fret that I’ll end up splitting the vote, and she’ll still get in.
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RT @jeremycorbyntwitter.com : We are not the party of the billionaires. We are not the party of the corporate elite. We are the party of the people. #F…
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@anroachetwitter.com Aww man :'(
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@4m3thy5ttwitter.com Aye. Doesn’t time fly?⏳⌛
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Oh I think we know where to take this… @studiozerocotwitter.com VR theremin anybody?
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RT @jeremycorbyntwitter.com : As polls close, I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has voted for @UKLabourtwitter.com , for a fairer, better Britain, that wor…
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RT @studiozerocotwitter.com : We’ll be @VRARWorldtwitter.com . Get in touch and talk about future experiences powered by #webVR @LDNTechWeektwitter.com #LTW #tech #vr https:…
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Help! How do I tell Google that the shop next to my house only takes cash? Android pay keeps ‘helpfully’ alerting each time I go to bed 😴💳⏰😮
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RT @multiplebearstwitter.com : Hi, I am 25 years old and have been out on the streets for your party every night, show some fucking gratitude you mummi…
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RT @Alan_Measlestwitter.com : At the palace hoping to get in first and form a govt while the others are dithering
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In order to form a gov, May is getting into bed with the DUP. Can’t help imagining scenes like this in Tory HQ.
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RT @Pestontwitter.com : Senior Tory MP: “We all fing hate her. But there is nothing we can do. She has totally fed us”.
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Best tweet of the entire election. By a German of course ;)
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Saturday June 10, 2017 - 00:16
RT @jeremycorbyntwitter.com : . @theresa_maytwitter.com thought that with the backing of the billionaires and the corporate elite, she could take your vote for gra…
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Someone call 999, that’s a 1st degree burn… :)
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RT @EricHolthaustwitter.com : Whoa. France just launched and is offering grants of up to 1.5 million Euro for climate scientist…
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TFW you hear something, a comment, that unlocks something you’ve been trying to articulate. Thanks @AdamBuxtontwitter.com
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RT @jeremycorbyntwitter.com : Cancellation of President Trump’s State Visit is welcome, especially after his attack on London’s mayor & withdrawal from…
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@rcwarrendertwitter.com Richard,
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Yeah, because what the countryside needs is another cunt.
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Not sure if I’m missing something but is ‘populist’ just the losers approach to describing someone who’s popular? Turn it into a pejorative?
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@debugwandtwitter.com I guess it’s the difference between saying things that please people, and saying things TO please people. Not sure folks are using it right.
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Couldn’t afford the flights to #imaginarye3, so am joining the 4(22/7)s AR feed. Faultless.
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@4m3thy5ttwitter.com Squirrels!
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@ShippersUnboundtwitter.com The Gathering Qualm…
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It’s gonna be amazing!
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@4m3thy5ttwitter.com I endorse this
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@richard_littlertwitter.com We all know he’s trying not to think “Red Dawn”
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RT @lexaloffletwitter.com : That reminds me, I need to fix my .obj exporter.
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Wednesday June 14, 2017 - 06:43
@4m3thy5ttwitter.com Libertarian wet dream…
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Wednesday June 14, 2017 - 22:05
If you couldn’t make it to #VRARWORLD , here’s some of what you missed, but don’t worry, there’s still a day left @TechXLR8twitter.com
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Wednesday June 14, 2017 - 22:11
RT @GaryLinekertwitter.com : So there’s a wall inside Trump’s bowels. Who knew?
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Wednesday June 14, 2017 - 22:12
@GaryLinekertwitter.com It’s he trolling @realDonaldTrumptwitter.com by showing how massive his hands are in that picture, holding a completely normal sized bottle of wine…
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Wednesday June 14, 2017 - 22:30
@RealSardonicustwitter.com @4m3thy5ttwitter.com I feel that this should be considered for a listing on
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Wednesday June 14, 2017 - 22:36
@ruskin147twitter.com Isn’t the Orangery the new name for the Whitehouse? Didn’t realise you were in the US…
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Wednesday June 14, 2017 - 22:38
RT @paulgslattertwitter.com : Boris Johnson, then Mayor of London, telling London Assembly member to ‘get stuffed’ in response to questions on cuts in…
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Thursday June 15, 2017 - 08:13
RT @RJonesUXtwitter.com : Votes against forcing rented homes to be made fit for human habitation.
Labour 0
Libdem 0
Tory 312
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Thursday June 15, 2017 - 08:43
Just remember folks. The same party advocates cutting H&S laws, cutting funding to fire services 🔥🚒 and privatising the NHS. #Austeritykills
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RT @tjhornertwitter.com : Henlo friends please help @hackthethingstwitter.com get to @GopherContwitter.com because he’s a pretty cool guy
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RT @grahamemorristwitter.com : As Mayor of London, Boris Johnson closed 10 fire stations but spent £37 million on plans for a vanity bridge which will…
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Updated my side-project in #WebVR
@aframevrtwitter.com - keeping it simple, and with responsive experience for mobile. Chill in
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@jutertwitter.com - sooooo, what are Tesco doing this weekend?
Amazon & chill?
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@jutertwitter.com Amazon bought Whole Foods.
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@jutertwitter.com Shot across the bows of supermarkets I reckon.
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@jutertwitter.com Yeah, I suppose it’s probably in line roughly with where $amzn already have food delivery options. N.America, London.
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@jutertwitter.com Perhaps be more worried if I was Waitrose…
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Like some sort of inverse Gell-mann amnesia effect…
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@jutertwitter.com Solve long-standing intractable issues that incumbents can’t/won’t, buy every part of the vertical, then gut them on price and convenience.
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@shaunmnemonic looks like we know what you’ll be spending your millions on…
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@shaunmnemonic They’re there already dude, waiting for us to catch up.
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@barneyfarmertwitter.com @richard_littlertwitter.com You two should worry. Mine was singing “I like big butts”…
I’m kidding of course. It was “Enter Sandman”
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@CreativeReviewtwitter.com Really reminds me of the ’natural born smoker’ campaign - a powerful approach :)
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@SaraSoueidantwitter.com At the risk of sounding trite, learning anything worthwhile is never easy. A good doc should help you with relaxation skills or CBT perhaps.
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@4m3thy5ttwitter.com Yeah - and don’t forget - these are all the things YOU can do to not set fire to OUR precious building…
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RT @KristinaLucatwitter.com : I cannot stress enough how important it is you watch this gorilla bathe-dancing to maniac. By @BobHaghtwitter.com
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RT @BeardedGeniustwitter.com : Ha! This brilliant @MartinRowsontwitter.com cartoon has resulted in the Daily Mail absolutely losing their shit! Dacre is FUMING ht…
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How does this work @GNRailUKtwitter.com ? Why can’t the driver take the train all the way? KGX-ELY 1614
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As a VR professional, this makes me sad…
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@jutertwitter.com No, I love the Snark. The app was problematic :)
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Saturday June 24, 2017 - 17:35
@4m3thy5ttwitter.com I think it’s an event, isn’t it? In Ely we have Eel day.
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Saturday June 24, 2017 - 17:39
@4m3thy5ttwitter.com My English teacher wd say stop writing just before you’re finished, then you’ll always have somewhere to start, and every word is a victory.
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Saturday June 24, 2017 - 17:46
@4m3thy5ttwitter.com Yeah, it’s an event, not just a date. Parades and stuff.
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Saturday June 24, 2017 - 17:56
@Scarfolktwitter.com Saw the Gay Cows in Leeds in late 80’s, at City Varieties. Very prescient of Manchester scene, but never quite had the bit they deserved.
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Saturday June 24, 2017 - 23:27
@TwitterSafety “What Twitter loves”
Shareholder value
Advertiser revenue
Trumps abuse of power
(Read the last line either way you like @jacktwitter.com )
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RT @Rachael_Swindontwitter.com : This is Theresa May and The Holy Grail. Nothing short of genius. #ToriesOut
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@jutertwitter.com All too easily. With beanie and beard to match :)
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Yay, fun thread. One for @jutertwitter.com and @logorrhoeatwitter.com and many more of my pedantic tweet buddies.
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Wednesday June 28, 2017 - 08:16
RT @Fi_Rutherfordtwitter.com : Theresa May to a nurse who hasn’t had a pay rise in 8yrs: “there’s no magic money tree”
May to DUP: Here’s £1.5 billion…
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Wednesday June 28, 2017 - 08:52
RT @Channel4Newstwitter.com : “Sometimes it takes an image to wake up a nation from its secret shame.”
Ben Okri reads from his extraordinary new poem a…
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Wednesday June 28, 2017 - 21:03
RT @studiozerocotwitter.com : Find out what we’ve been doing in healthcare with a case study for #webVR Mechanism of Action #MEDTECH #HealthTech https:…
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Wednesday June 28, 2017 - 22:38
RT @McJessetwitter.com : I photoshopped a flesh-light into the background of this photo please RT so one day it accidentally get’s used in an article.…
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Thursday June 29, 2017 - 08:28
RT @HuwJonesLabourtwitter.com : According to @LucyFrazerUK the firefighters who battled in Grenfell house don’t deserve a pay rise
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Thursday June 29, 2017 - 08:31
Right, can we all just start referring to $APPL as ‘anti-web company, Apple’ because that’s what they are. 🍎
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Thursday June 29, 2017 - 13:22
@richard_littlertwitter.com Like that time that Time Magazine made the ‘You’ person of the year in 2006. Unless… was that a fake?
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Thursday June 29, 2017 - 19:42
@richard_littlertwitter.com I find that film scores are not v interesting. Had always assumed that was because they were missing a critical part - the film.
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@richard_littlertwitter.com #MythicalBodyPartCreatures - Sascrotch, Leprecorn, Centoe and Minotoe, Wigwolf and Hobgoblung
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@ElyCycletwitter.com - Bike pump at @greaterangliatwitter.com #ElyStation turned my slightly soft tyre into a total flat. Apparently been broken for months.
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Sweet Jeebers…
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RT @aframevrtwitter.com : A-Frame 0️⃣.6️⃣.0️⃣ released! Link traversal, portals, all the VR controllers, laser controls, shadows, effects.
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