May, 2014
‘Love’ @FirstCC ‘refreshed’ carriages. They’ve refreshed away the carpets and set lighting to ‘butchers fridge’ mode. Feels really cheap.
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RT : Peter Dolukhanov joint MD of Nice Agency has been named in the #BIMAHot100 – congrats
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#Eurovision first two were a bit so-so…
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#Eurovision erg, Azerbaijan’s entry isn’t exactly lighting the world on fire… trapeze doesn’t beat giant hamster wheel
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#Eurovision go Iceland!
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#Eurovision yay Iceland!
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#Eurovision really Norway? Fan of Anthony and the Johnson’s?
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#Eurovision ooh Armenia looks ill…
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#Eurovision Nice ice skating thing, and kudos for singing in their own language Montenegro
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#Eurovision I’ve been looking forward to Poland’s entry. Ooh err missus
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#Eurovision and Poland didn’t disappoint…
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#Eurovision lots of circus skills in tonight’s show…
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#Eurovision Well… Austria… :)
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#Eurovision Germany are not really working for me tonight. Bit try-hard.
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#Eurovision high expectations for Sweden… not very punchy so far.
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RT : Twitter, we have a problem: my reliable political weather vanes and have gone all #Eur…
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I heard that UKIP are planning to pull us out of #Eurovision
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#Eurovision what’s better than hipsters? French hipsters. A shame the song is a bit weak.
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#Eurovision am actually loving the Russian entry!
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RT : Ah the Russian entry. No doubt they’ll take over another entry they prefer the look of. #eurovision
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#Eurovision err, Italy… let’s just stop that right now shall we, before you team up with Russia and invade something
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#Eurovision doesn’t sound like anyone cares about the Slovenian entry. I mean ANYONE.
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#Eurovision ooh, didn’t win x factor, probably won’t win Eurovision. Spain… sigh…
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RT : Switzerland. Fuck me. A Swiss Mumford and Sons. Declare war on those bastards immediately.
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#Eurovision pfft Hungary, now, what’s in the fridge…
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#Eurovision Malta are a bit Waterboys meets Mumford, with spray on beards. Should team up with Switzerland
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#Eurovision people are saying this could be the first times a host country wins. People are wrong.
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#Eurovision ooh good, a Dutch white stripes… just what we need
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#Eurovision quite like the staging for the Dutch entry, but the song is dull MOR.
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#Eurovision Piano? Check. Pretty girl? Check. Hybrid marquee/dress? Check. Standard entry. Good effort with bond theme-esque, San Marino
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#Eurovision I have not heard this, I have low expectations.
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#Eurovision UK entry has met all my expectations. I don’t expect we’ll win.
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#Eurovision okay, that’s it. Ended with someone getting into Grahams box and exploding all over his face
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#Eurovision err, why is Gollum singing ode to joy?
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#Eurovision I always forget how painful this part of the show is… perhaps we could cut to an episode of Borgen
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#Eurovision why is the skinny woman torturing herself (and us) with all the food related banter.
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#Eurovision makes it’s feelings about Russia’s inclusion in this euro-centric event very very clear.
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#Eurovision won by Dana International again, wearing a disguise from life of Brian. Frickin’ awesome.
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RT : We take the piss out of Eurovision. It’s a gagfest. But it’s also a grand vehicle for an overt ‘fuck you’ liberalism in fac…
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I voted for Game of Codes as this years JavaZone movie!
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Repeat after me. I won’t say ‘minimum viable product’ if I don’t know what it means. It’s not the same as a prototype. It’s not the same…
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Wednesday May 14, 2014 - 06:57
Sometimes I forget about the nastiness that Nick Griffin and the BNP represent. I’m glad that reminded me.
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Wednesday May 14, 2014 - 06:58
RT : Help “Born With Curiosity, The Grace Hopper Story” get made. Back it at —>
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Wednesday May 14, 2014 - 07:52 and sometimes it’s sleepbot…
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Wednesday May 14, 2014 - 21:53 reminds me of holidays, and two-stroke fumes always reminds me of my dad.
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RT : Yes. “ : Spike and die: why products created by ad agencies fail.
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RT : If Jay-Z has 99 problems, someone should really introduce him to agile methodologies.
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RT : Fact: Deadlines contribute to 25% of the work related stress in software development. Jira accounts for the other 75%.
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RT : In JavaScript, everything’s an object…apart from when it’s not and it’s just pain.
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Good luck for your @jquk workshop tomorrow , sorry I can’t be there, & other @niceagency folk will cheer you on!
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This is bad for us all, not just the U.S. “ : FCC brings down the gavel on Net Neutrality
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RT : It’s time to tell the FCC what we think of their proposed rules, and it’s easy to do! Here’s how:
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How Madison Avenue can be more like Silicon Valley:
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Wow, my @FirstCC kgx-ely train is making an unscheduled stop at Hitchin to pick up train crew. That’s a new one.
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 I can’t imagine where you’re finding these women… Have you tried rather than Craigslist?
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RT : The Apollo Project to eradicate DRM is now called Apollo 1201 (or #Apollo1201)
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 that’s weird, I’ve heard that’s usually a good source. Never mind, perhaps you should hang around outside Greggs wearing eau de Pie.
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Typical, @dolukahnov is in the picture, but I bet he’s looking at his phone ;)
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 it could be worse. Not long ago, I worked somewhere that thought Ftp’ing to the server constituted version control…
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RT : Anyone know a good frontend freelance developer who wants 6-8 weeks’ work on a really important project? Please pa…
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 Gregg is a pimp, don’t succumb…
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Really glad the couple sitting opposite each other and next to me have got of the train. She was giving him a really obvious foot-job. Yuck!
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 woot! Now can rave on about it in person, instead of based on what tells me.
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RT : OH: “I’ve got 99 problems, but I’ve closed 7 of them as ‘won’t fix’”
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Woo-hoo, glass of cava, pointless celebrities on the TV and a Tunnock’s teacake. Saturdays don’t get wilder than this!
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RT : Please stop retweeting every mention you get. Please.
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“ : Are YOU obsessed with ruins? Visit #RuinLust before it closes tomorrow do it!
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 @vishnuksxypants I got 99 problems, but the biscuit ain’t one…
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RT : “Why isn’t this working? You’re incompetent. I can’t click any of the links”,
“You’re clicking a Photoshop mock-up boss”.…
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Wow. Easyhotel is perfectly spartan. I mean, no side tables, not even a shelf. I love it!
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 SPARTA!
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You know what? There has to be a better way…
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RT : people who starved to death under communism were killed by communism
people who starved to death under capitalism were…
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RT : Mountain landscape in the header √
Unrelated inspirational quote √
Link-bait title √
Unnecessarily superfluous vocabulary …
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 I’m guessing 25 of that was the beer?
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RT : Someone left Perl out in the sun too long and that’s why we have JavaScript.
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 given there’s a boom mike just above the coffin, I think we can assume this is for a TV show?
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“ : David Lynch’s ‘Return of the Jedi’ for &
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RT : In case you are still on the fence… please RT!! #europeanelections
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Christ, before it got hijacked, the #WhyImVotingUkip hashtag was a scary place to be… #WhyImVoting
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RT : HBO’s Silicon Valley finally portrayed a female tech founder—who sleeps with programmers so they’ll write code for her. Fuc…
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 you’re obviously not a real man!
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RT : “Scrum” is where a QA tries to avoid being attacked by 6 developers for 2 weeks. If they survive, they get to play again.
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 admittedly, I did watch an octo-shark marathon once, think that was their big ticket for the year…
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 now you mention it… you might be right. I wonder if there’s an equally execrable channel for women?
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RT : Everyone will have 15 re-tweets of fame.
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 testing 123
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RT : Me: I’m not going to fix that bug, it’s not worth it.
QA: Ok, fair enough
5 minutes later
Me: I fixed that bug. I couldn’t …
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 glad you enjoyed it. I’m sure we’ll be playing it again tomorrow…
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“ : “Coding Principles Every Engineer Should Know” by Some good principles here…
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Wednesday May 28, 2014 - 18:50
RT : My gravestone will simply read:
“Still couldn’t exit Vim”.
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Wednesday May 28, 2014 - 18:59
RT : CMS (noun): bloated web code (usually PHP) that guarantees clients access to Mess Stuff Up™ and cause early heart failure…
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Wednesday May 28, 2014 - 18:59
RT : Markdown; for when HTML is too complex.
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RT : Who creates your user stories? #agile #scrum
❤️ 0 | 🔃 0 dangerous talk. Don’t do it just yet…
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RT : There’s only one gif on the internet that matters anymore, of a Lamborghini wrapped in holographic vinyl film:
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RT : Whenever my boss walks by my desk:
rm -rf node_modules && npm install --verbose
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