"The Onion thinks this is satire. I think it might be the best piece of usability writing I've seen in years: "
"A pleasureable lunchbreak watching Big Train clips feat @simonpegg and too many others to mention. cc @Doilum"
"The lowest income illustrated is equivalent to 5xUK national average RT @codinghorror Oh, the poor, poor rich people "
"If you ever doubted that you are living in the future, put the Daft Punk Tron soundtrack on whilst going on a high-speed train. Sublime."
"Was quietly excited to see Les Mis, as I've never seen it on stage. It's about the worst thing I've seen in years. Don't believe the hype."
"For those people that think Zero Dark Thirty condones torture; so does any film review that recommends Les Miserables. Avoid it!"
"A good day. Lunch with @shaundunne, and dinner with @danholder. Finer company cannot be found. Thanks chaps."
"A bunch of millionaires made the poor poorer - and laughed as they did it. @OwenJones84 is most read on @IndyVoices: "
"Best. Tumblr. Ever. Cats that look like pin-up girls via @NeilCrosby"
"Anyone know any project managers at games development co's? Am interested to know how projects are organised? Agile? Waterfall?"
"I've tried, I really have, but the new iTunes is even worse than the old one. Isn't @apple was supposed to be good at user-centred design?!"
"Any @sapientnitro or ex-Sapes around on Friday for a lunchtime drink? @shaundunne @ryanand26 ?"
"Whining about Instagram? Flickr is alive & kicking, respecting your ownership rights & helping you make $ from photos w/ Getty partnership."
"Awesome, Romero's Day of the Dead is on iPlayer... "
"Shit... RT @Cheesyhel: Look at this shockingly awful card I found today for a 13 year old! "
"Don't rush to the Ebacc. Sign the petition to give every child a chance #Ebacc"
"Listening to Tangerine Dream or Daft Punk whilst on the train always makes me feel like I'm in the future. Sent by my obsidian rectangle."
"Man next to me on train is designing genetic algorithms. I'm building a website. *shame*"
"Seriously? Snow? Dammit."
"Handy hint for commuters. Eat breakfast before you leave the house, then you won't spill coffee over yourself when the train moves suddenly."
"Hmm, a cabinet full of millionaires denouncing multinational companies that avoid paying UK tax. This should be interesting..."
"Dear @Wikipedia create a way for me to pay a monthly (small) fee, and I think I would use it... try @goCardless"
"Finally got around to working out podcasts (I know, so far behind) and am working my way through a years worth of desert island discs. *joy*"
"The cosy consensus of the political elite "
"Dear @amazonuk, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK - so your 'Black Friday deals' are pretty meaningless. Also, it's Saturday."
"Watch Paralyzed Dogs Walk Again After Nose Cell Transplants "
"Was just surprised by the opening bars of Mariah Carey's 'All I want for Christmas' and was instantly ready for Christmas... bring it on!"
"Disney Starwars... "
"Sign the petition to save Lewisham Hospital. They saved someone close to me's life at least once "
"The good news is, George Lucas will have little to do with #StarWars7 who knows, it might be good!"