"Just had a great dev lunch @meatmission c/o @niceagency - shame about my chilli accident... @shaundunne, @danhappysalad, @SamColes et al :)"
"Interesting to find out quite how 'open' Android is i.e. open as long as you're not a handset vendor... "
"“Hacking Sonos: How I replaced the Sonos app and created a better music experience" @niceagency"
" @Bickle_G OMFG"
"Be a self-facilitating media node. Work for me @niceagency. We're well weapon. "
""@AmazonVideoUK: #AfterDRagons, waTch pirates. Watch the 1st ePisode of #BlackSails now There. Will. Be. Booty!"
"Not sure the branding people at Cornetto have thought this one through... "
"Sometimes, getting through the @doctorow seam on my Twitter timeline gives me RSI."
" They let the banks fail, and are looking at only 2% unemployment. So that's why mum's gone to Iceland!"
"Here's a hint kids. Don't tweet links to interesting sounding articles on sites with paywalls. I'm looking at you, "
" for great temp tattoos! @niceagency these would make great swag. Just sayin'. Thanks to @BoingBoing for the heads up."
""@spolsky:there were some improvements to @Trello today @niceagency , includes integration!"
"Actually awesome swag from tonight's alumni event @sapientnitro! Good to see everyone, old and new."
"Fascinating interview with Jake Davis, formerly of Anonymous speaks very eloquently about his 'sins' and what's next."
"Interested to see what happens if I menshn Louise Mensch in a tweet about what a loathsome cyber bully she is."
"Wow, so amazed that SSE dropped prices... just as the sun seems to be making a return. Winter prices high, summer low. How brave #offgen"
"Damn. Just wrote 'echo' instead of console.log Too much using bash. Neck beard must be imminent."
""@LettersOfNote: Fantastic. Angry letter from the Marquis de Sade to a columnist. - this is how to deal with trolls."
"Oh, and I'm still angry @lastfm grrr..."
"Great evening @lnugorg with @danhappysalad @shaundunne . Got my t-shirt from @rem and am now on the train looking at generators. Eep!"
"Nope, really not happy @lastfm - why the hell is the web player playing cruddy video, when I could previously listen to reasonable audio?"
"Not happy about the changes to subscriber radio on @lastfm - Not keen on web-based player (srsly, Flash?), and don't use spotify. >:("
"New @lastfm player uses youtube as source, and you get all the adverts! Where's the unsubscribe link? "
"One for @shaundunne - how @liz_hall1 helped FogCreek moved to having 37% remote workers "
"London Node.js User Group Meetup - March 2014, 26th March 2014 in London "
"I just bought: 'Containment' by Christian @Cantrell via @KindleUK "
"I just registered for London Node.js User Group Meetup "
"No seriously, what goes on in the brains of computers? Glitchy video is creepy as hell... "@Doilum: "
"“Why I got into programming” by @shaundunne - I don't find Unix as 'easy' as implied by the girl in Jurassic Park"
"Just saw this beautiful vintage Polaroid camera for sale. Am somewhat tempted, but have nowhere to put it! "