""SO APOLOGY, BIG SORRY, SUCH SAD, MUCH WAILING" * *only because we're forced to do this by some court or something. "
"Seriously, @GNRailUK is there any chance you could turn the heating off? Train is full of people, we don't need the heaters turned to 11 🚆 😓"
"Soooo wrong. The US won't need identipasses, Facebook has already done the hard work. </hyperbolic-sarcasm> "
"Pretty much the best description of #brexit I've seen. "
"This is important, not just in the US, but in UK too. This is how it starts. "
"Here we go... @shaundunne "
"Oh boy, heard this today, feels like it could've been written yesterday. Let's make it Xmas number 1. @DjMarkoAfro "
"Oooh burn 🔥 🔥 🔥 "
"I know one thing, let's try to avoid an ad-supported ecosystem. "
"If each refugee was a drop of blood in water of UK population, no shark could detect it Beryl! But, Katie Hopkins could, mark my words. "
"So, AI is a big thing, and VR is a big thing. All we need now is an oppressive regime that does good cyber, and it's the Matrix... "
"The government be "
"Bollocks. As in FFS, not as in denial. I love my pebble. Fitbit are not a great parent... "
"Okay @barneyfarmer - last one, I promise... (solid gold) "
"Artists impressions of outdoor cafés in sprawling faux-georgian developments with no cars; buildings all finished; no corner shops or GPs. "
"Marathons, not Snickers. Jif, not Cìf and a proper, full-size Waggon Wheel. "
"I know they say that robots will replace us at work, but today I was served by server? Surely this could be done in the cloud... "
"First thing in my Twitter feed that made me lol in days. This is great writing. @logorrhoea @juter "
"I've enjoyed @podcaststartup since S1, but S4 feels more like a cross between Gimlet sales pitch and TAL extended. Might come back in S5."
"Jesus @empiremagazine, I really want to read your stuff, but mobile site is unusable. Can't read for a second before it jumps down the page."
"My message to creators. Now more than ever, own your data. "
"Is invoking Trump in any online discussion Godwin 2.0? (Release candidate was Brexit)"
"Haha - @TheLastLeg are talking about this right now! "
"Been thinking this for a while, but trust Grayson to articulate it. "
"I don't understand why people in the US seems to expect the media to save them from Trump. How the he'll do they think he got there?"
"Nooooooo... "
"Can't help feeling that it's @Ros_Vaughan 's fault that I'm completely Fünken und pümpen right now. Last man standing. "
" "
"Oh wow. "