An LRG Slash page


What am I up to?

Oh hey! It’s been a while. What are you up to these days?

Me? Well I’m still in Cambridgeshire, enjoying being out in the fens but not too far from the city if I want to get some culture. Dr G and Baby G are doing well, thanks. I don’t get to as many exhibitions and gigs as I’d like, but am loving spending time with the family in our ageing motorhome, and seeing lots of bits of the UK.

Work wise? Well, I’m still part of Doubly and it’s going well. I’m quite focussed on helping organisations get the most from teams, particularly where that intersects with innovation practice. Though I am still writing software, it tends to be less ’enterprise apps’ and more ‘rapid prototypes’ and err, ‘glue’ things.

Personal goals? I suppose I’m trying to find ways to be a bit more active, and enjoy walking my two Jack Russell Terrorists. I’m also trying to spend more time doing things for fun, which turns out makes me quite skittish. (Fear of non-productiveness, yikes). Mostly, this is manifested in making music, which if I ever feel confident to do so, I may share here.

I hope you and yours are doing well, and it’d be great if you wanted to say hello sometime soon.



Cover image: Me at SUPER NINTENDO World,